Saturday, October 18, 2008

Some Questions For Myself

While contemplating this journey, I am facing a small mountain of questions. To keep them from rumbling around in my head too much, I'll record them here. Perhaps this will simply cause me to think of more, but I guess that's a good thing.

1. What is research? Where does this inquiry fit within the realm of English Studies (if anywhere)?

2. Would the project be more or less useful if I focused more on the community within my classroom? How so?

3. What are the most important questions to ask? Who are the people I most need to talk to?

4. What more do I need to know about ethnography to be a more effective ethnographer?

5. How do you assess sense of community (and community in general)?

6. Is sense of community something you can build? How? Should this be a goal of the community?

7. Where do I begin?

So. These are the beginnings of questions to myself. I'm sure there will be more to follow. While these are primarily to stimulate my own thinking, if you have stumbled across this and wish to share some of your thoughts, feel free.

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